Joe wicks has cut down his PE sessions to 3 days a week….how about giving cycling a go and exploring the outdoors?
Joe wicks has cut down his PE sessions to 3 days a week….how about giving cycling a go and exploring the outdoors? For inspiration follow in the bike tracks of our Minibikers Ambassadors and let the journey begin!

River started his cycling journey at two and a half years old with Minibikers and he’s aged 3 now. He has completed a 7 day Cycle Challenge already this summer! #BikeWeekUk

Connor started his bike journey in October 2019 when he was two and a half. Although he’d had a balance bike from when he was 1, he didn’t show any interest until his first Minibikers session. He now loves being out on his bike. Connor has recently progressed to a pedal bike aged 3 years old.

Amelia learned to ride her bike in 2017 at the age of 7 (she is 9 years old now). Minibikers has given her the confidence to believe she could do it. Since then she has built up her ability to ride on many family bike rides. Her longest bike ride to date is an impressive 14 miles!

Myles has loved riding his bike since 18 months old!
In using a balance bike it helped build his balance and confidence. He started pedalling at age 3 and has loved riding ever since.

Joey started on his balance bike at age 2 and on his 4th birthday he was able to ride a pedal bike for the first time.
He enjoys having races with his big brother, riding over his stunt ramp and exploring new places on his bike.

This is Henry. He loves going on cycling adventures! He’s a Fire Chief and Cat Boy while riding!

Imogen started her biking at the age of 14 months when she got her first bike, a Frog bike. Now at two and a half, there is no stopping her!

Louie was 20 months when he started cycling with Minibikers. He is now two and a half. He enjoys using his bike ramp in his back garden.

This is Rowan, his bike journey began Christmas 2018, he was 19 months old. He loves going out on his bike at every chance he can get.

Logan completed Minibikers level 1 and 2 classes back to back. In 10 weeks he went from being able to glide on a balance bike to being confident on pedals with no stabilisers in sight.

Izzie was 2 when she started Toddlers Minibikers Courses.
Her confidence is growing and she has been eager to get out on her bike in the woods on challenging terrain.

Skyla and Ollie– Our love and journey for bikes started from a very young age and runs in our family.
Our great grandad Chris Vincent is a former motorcycle sidecar road racer and our Uncle Jay Vincent is an ex Moto Gp rider/ British Champion.
We love our Minibikers classes and being Minibikers Ambassadors.

Evren could ride a balance bike independently at aged 1 and is now 2 years old and independently rides a pedal bike.
He rides his bike everyday and it makes him so happy!

Seth is three years old and he loves his balance bike.
He started Minibikers when he was 2, he has progressed so quickly on his balance bike and is super quick! He is very excited to move onto pedals in the next couple of weeks. Seth loves being an Minibikers Ambassador so he can show off his super fast gliding!
Minibikers vision is to introduce cycling to children as early as possible. We’re extremely proud of our Minibikers Ambassadors -showcasing how it’s done in action!
If you too would like to start your Minibikers journey and wish to become an Ambassador, we are recruiting please contact us via email